Essential Parrot Supplies Whether you have a new pet parrot or have been keeping parrots for years, you will need to shop for various parrot supplies and accessories. Furnishing that cage or finding the best toys is important for you and your bird. Parrots need an assortment of accessories if they are going to live a happy, healthy life. They just can’t sit in their cage and do nothing all day long. Here are a few tips and suggestions for getting the necessary parrot supplies. Perches One of the mainstay parrot supplies is the perch. Parrots spend most of the time standing. In fact if they aren’t standing it may be s sign of illness . Being on their feet all the time means you need to pay special attention to the health of their feet. Standing on the same size perch or the same textured perch all the time can lead to sore feet. You should consider the perch as a replaceable item that is used, chewed on, worn out and replaced every so often. Today, there many different var...
Showing posts from July, 2012
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Top 3 Most Beautiful Pet Birds The Colorful Macaws Macaws are not only one of the most popular pet birds, but they were voted as one of the most beautiful parrots by Bird Talk readers. Macaws’ large, expressive eyes and radiant colors that vary by macaw species, from deep blue to crimson red, combine to give them this honor. Their bare face patches are uniquely accented with delicate feather tracts, such as the blue-and-gold macaw’s traces of black, or the red feather pattern found on the greenwinged macaw. Even the scarlet macaw, with a facial patch devoid of feathers, strikes a regal pose. It is clear why readers overwhelmingly nominated the macaw as one of the most beautiful pet birds. Pet bird owner Linda Costello of Ohio shares her home with five macaws. She has taken her macaws to schools, nursing homes, parades and other local events to the de...
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MOST BEAUTIFUL BIRDS ON EARTH THE RAINBOW LORIKEET The Rainbow Lorikeet is very colourful – almost every colour of the rainbow can be found on their feathers. Lorikeets are parrots from Australasia, which can be found found on many Pacific islands, and are common along the eastern seaboard of Australia and Tasmania. Usually found in rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas, they are one of the most visually attractive birds in the world. Golden Pheasant The Golden or “Chinese Pheasant” is another type of bird that catches the eye with a wonderful display of colour. These are gamebirds, native to western China, although they have been bred in other countries like the UK, and are unmistakably lovely with a golden crest, rump and bright red body. When showing off to attract a mat...
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Most Expensive Pets In The World Palm Cockatoo – $16,000 The Palm Cockatoo also known as the Goliath Cockatoo, is a large smoky-grey or black parrot of the cockatoo family. It is the only member in subfamily and the only member of the monotypic genus, Probosciger. Its unique position within the cockatoo family has been confirmed by molecular studies. The price of this palm cockatoo is generally $16,000. The Palm Cockatoo was originally described in 1788 by German naturalist Gmelin. It is the earliest offshoot from the ancestors of what have become the cockatoo families. The Palm Cockatoo is 55–60 cm (22–24 in) in length and weighs 910–1,200 g. It is a unique bird with a large crest and has one of the largest bills of any parrots. The Palm Cockatoo also has a unique red cheek patch that changes color when the bird is excited or alarmed. ...
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General: Cockatoos are sweet, loving, and charming. Affection and snuggles is the highlight of their day. They are very social parrots and require a large amount of daily attention. Their plumage consist mainly of a single color, with the exception of a few species. Cockatoo's are known for their "erectile" crests, the crest feathers on the top of the head that move upright. They can become good talkers but are popular for their affectionate disposition. Cockatoos have adopted the nickname "the powder puff or down" bird because of the large amount of feather dander they produce. This is a healthy sign that the birds feathers are in working order. Anyone that has ever handled a cockatoo will know that they feel silky soft and the dander will leave a white powdery coat on the hand or clothes. Those with severe allergies will want to reconsider this type of parrot for their home. Environment: Cockatoo parrots originate from areas of Austr...
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Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is a viral infection that is spread easily through feathers and feces. It affects parrots and other psittacine birds and causes the loss of feathers, usually on the chest or thighs. . In some birds, such as Eclectus, king parrots, and lorikeets, the early signs may be a change in color, with affected feathers showing streaks of white, yellow, or black. Cockatoos and parrots often show loss of the powder down first since powder down is replaced often; it may take a few molts to see changes in coverlets and other feathers. With time, the feather loss involves the wings and the rest of the body. Early in the infection, feathers may grow in to replace the missing ones. These regrown feathers are abnormally-shaped and easily break at their bases. As the infection progresses, new feathers do not grow and old ones are not replaced. Infected birds may show excessive abnormal growth of the beak and toenails. The beak and nails c...
Healthy Fresh Fruits For Parrots
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Healthy Fresh Fruits For Parrots No to Pesticides! Choose Organic! Always wash fruit with a good fruit wash! Apple s without the seeds (seeds toxic) Banana Blueberries Cantaloupe Cherries (p itted ) Grapes ( seedless ) Guava Mango Nectarines Oranges Papaya Peach es (r emove the pit ) Pears (r emove the pear core ) Plums Pomegranate Prunes Raisins Strawberries Ras p berries Healthy Fresh Vegetables Asparagus B eans (cooked only) Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Carrots Cauliflower Corn ( c orn on the cob is fun for parrot enrichment ) Chard Cucumber Hot peppers Kale Kiwi (peeled) Kale Pea P ods Red L eaf L ettuce Sprouts (Alfalfa, Broccoli, Bean) Squash Cooked ( Acorn, Butternut, and Pumpkin) Sweet and Baked Potato / Yams Cooked Zucchini Other Healthy Foods To Offer Bran Squares Brown Rice Cous c ous Eggs ( s crambled, h ard b oiled) Fresh nuts ( l eave in shell for enrichmen...
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'How to Feed African Greys' Decide if you want to feed your bird a commercially available pelleted feed, or if you want to feed a balanced diet of various foods. It is essential if you decide to feed a variety of things with no pellets, you need to be sure the diet is balanced and correct for your bird. A pellet diet supplemented with small amounts of other foods is the easiest diet for the novice bird owner, but the choice is yours. The only non-negotiable part of your African Grey’s diet is water. Your bird must have fresh water available at all times. You can use either a water cup or a bottle depending on your bird’s preference, but assure your bird always has water. 2 Pelleted feed for parrots has come a long way in the last few years, and is now perfectly acceptable as a staple in your bird’s diet. Companies making bird feeds now are very concerned with proper nutrition and diet, and study extensively to determine the proper ratios and balances of nutrie...
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The Average Lifespan of Parrots 50 Years and Longer Amazon parrots are quite large and may become aggressive in adulthood, so dominance training is a good idea. They are talkative and independent birds. Eclectus parrots vary dramatically in color between the sexes and can learn entire songs. Senegal parrots are relatively quiet birds that can get spooked easily. These are all known to live for more than 50 years. These are medium-to-large breeds and require time out of a cage each day for proper care. Their wings should be clipped to prevent them from flying away. Without proper nutrition, these large breeds of parrot may develop specific medical conditions that shorten their lifespan. Most parrots kept in captivity will not live their potential years. 30 to 50 Years Macaws are a larger parrot that can live quite long. Cockatoos vary widely in appearance and are prone to fatty tumors, so they require a diet low in fatty foods. African Grays are perhaps the mos...