'How to Feed African Greys'

  • Decide if you want to feed your bird a commercially available pelleted feed, or if you want to feed a balanced diet of various foods. It is essential if you decide to feed a variety of things with no pellets, you need to be sure the diet is balanced and correct for your bird. A pellet diet supplemented with small amounts of other foods is the easiest diet for the novice bird owner, but the choice is yours. The only non-negotiable part of your African Grey’s diet is water. Your bird must have fresh water available at all times. You can use either a water cup or a bottle depending on your bird’s preference, but assure your bird always has water.
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    Pelleted feed for parrots has come a long way in the last few years, and is now perfectly acceptable as a staple in your bird’s diet. Companies making bird feeds now are very concerned with proper nutrition and diet, and study extensively to determine the proper ratios and balances of nutrients to assure quality. Your bird will consume approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pellets daily, along with various fresh foods. You can supplement pellets with grains, veggies and small amounts of fruit to keep your bird happy and offer a variety in its diet.
  • If you decide to feed your own blend, be sure to make it a well-rounded, balanced diet. A majority of your African Grey’s diet should consist of fresh whole grains, such as whole grain breads, cooked brown rice, and Monkey Biscuits, a commercially available product. Protein is vital to your bird’s diet, and can be given in the form of small amounts of cooked eggs, chicken, beef, fish or legumes, as your bird likes. Veggies, such as broccoli, squashes, beans and peas should be the next largest portion of the diet, followed by a small amount of fruits. Too much sugar is harmful to the bird, so be sure that only small portions of fruit are offered daily.
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    Mixed seeds are also something most African Greys enjoy. Sunflower seeds, peanuts and others are an enjoyable treat for your bird, although they should be fed sparingly. Most parrots will not eat the shells from seeds, and can result in a rather large mess, so be prepared to clean up after sharing seeds with your bird.
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    Calcium deficiency is a problem in many bird species, with African Greys being no exception. The more seeds that your bird consumes, the more calcium they will need in their diet to stay healthy. It is vital that your bird gets enough calcium to avoid bone and joint issues, and that calcium can be obtained in various ways. Most birds greatly enjoy a small amount of dairy, such as cheeses, cottage cheese, and yogurt, although these should be fed sparingly. Cuttlebones or mineral blocks are the most common type of supplement, and should be available to your bird at all times.

                                              Tips & Warnings

    • Birds can dehydrate quickly, so it is vital that your bird has fresh water available at all times.
    • Offer a variety of foods from day to day. African Grey Parrots are very intelligent, and will become bored with the same foods every day.
    • Two feed cups are useful to avoid soggy or damp foods. You can place fruits and veggies in one cup, and grains or pellets in the other to reduce the mess.
    • Contrary to popular belief, parrots do not need to eat grit (which is small bits of rocks) to digest their food. It can often make your bird sick, so avoid it all together.
    • Never try and force your bird to eat. If you notice they are not eating something you’ve given them, remove it and try something they do like.


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