Species Profile



Size: Adult Weight:
33-35cm (12.8-13.6 in) 240-330g (8.4-11.5 oz)
Races including nominate:

Colourization Adult: Male-in general dark grey, the feathers scalloped pale grey/white; bright orange/red crest and head; secondary coverts suffused dull green; dark grey tail. Bill horn in colour. Eye dark brown. Female-dark grey head and crest; upperparts strongly barred with pale yellow, underparts heavily barred orange to green/yellow; undertail barred grey/white.

Colourization Juvenile: As in female but with more red in crest (male) and dark grey crest (female); crest shorter with less filaments; more evident barring on tail.

Call: Described as croaking screech. Soft growling while feeding. 
Care in Captivity

Pet Suitability:
Tends to feather pluck, avid chewers, playful.

Captive Status:

60 or more years.

Walk-in aviary, minimum length 4.5m (14.7 ft).

Mix of small seeds: limited sunflower; walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts; fresh corn, fruit especially apple, hawthorn, cotoneaster and pyracantha berries; complete kibble.

Avid chewers so provide bird safe wood (fir), wood toys, vegetable tanned leather, pine cones; bathing.

Nest Box Size:
1m (3.3 ft) long nesting log.

Clutch Size:
2 to 3

Incubation Time:
28-30 days, as low as 25 days recorded.

Fledging Age:
8 weeks

Hatch Weight:
Not available

Peak Weight:
Not available

Weaning Weight:
Not available

Link to Specialist Club:
Cockatoo Society 26961 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92026.
Status in the Wild

World Population:
Over 20,000

Range: Found in Australia from SE in E New South Wales through S Victoria to SE South Australia; introduced to Kangaroo Island.

Occurs in tall open forest in highlands and foothills; in winter to open woodland, riverine woodland, scrub, farmland and suburban areas. Up to 2000m (6560 ft).

Threat Summary:
Habitat loss, increased susceptibility to psittacine cirovirus disease (PCD) virus.

IUCN Rating:
Least concern (Red list 2006), listed as vulnerable with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Threatened Species Conservation Act (2005).

Wild Diet:
Eucalypt seed pods, green acacia, Pyracantha seeds, berries, nuts, fruits and insect larvae.

CITES Rating:
Appendix II

Nomadic; mostly found up in trees, only coming to ground level to drink; found in pairs or small family groups during breeding season; in winter larger groups up to 60.

Clutch and Egg Size:
2 to 3, rounded oval eggs, 36.0 x 27.5mm (1.4 x 1.1 in)

Breeding Season:

BY :----- : CHANDU


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