Biggest Mistake We Make With Our Birds

Biggest Mistake We Make With Our Birds A while back I wrote an article about the biggest mistake we make with our birds, you can read that here. This article is about our second biggest mistake… This is a mistake that we make with the best of intentions. It can sideline our plans for our birds, cause us to lose their trust and cause them to lose their willingness to expand their horizons. It is – impatience. We live in a results oriented world. Our actions are judged by their outcome. Our employers encourage us to push forward toward goals that are set for us. We keep our eyes on the prize. Results are good things. However, we also live in a world where we want everything done yesterday. In our hurry to achieve results in the fastest possible time we cut corners and apply pressure to those we are partnered with so we can get to where we’re going faster. While your employer may appreciate this quality, your bird will not. Results are important to a bird, but ...