Clip My Bird's Wings

 Clip My Bird's Wings

 Wing clipping could be labeled one of the most controversial subjects in aviculture. There are many reasons why some bird owners choose to clip their bird's wings, and just as many reasons why some bird owners do not. While wing clipping is generally recommended for most captive birds, the decision to trim a bird is one best left to the individual owner.

Aside from ensuring that their pet doesn't accidentally fly away, the biggest reason that most bird owners clip their pets is for safety. Indoor life poses perils that birds do not normally face in the wild, such as windows, ceiling fans, ovens, doorways, sinks, and toilets. Clipping a bird's wings can help limit their access to dangers such as these.
Another reason that many pet birds have their wings clipped is because it forces the bird to be more dependent on its owner. Many believe that this can serve to enhance the bird/human bond, although there are countless flighted pet birds that enjoy close relationships with their human families.
Those on the other side of the fence contend that depriving a bird of its ability to fly can cause physical and psychological damage. Many argue that the benefits of flying -- exercise and mental stimulation -- far outweigh the risks of injury to a pet bird, provided they are properly supervised.
Others have different reasons for not trimming their birds.

Show birds, for example, have the best chance of winning when they are fully feathered.
Putting some thought into the reasons for and against wing clipping will help you make the best choice for your pet. Talk to your avian veterinarian and get his or her input, and discuss the options with your family members. With careful consideration, you are sure to make a decision that will satisfy the needs of both you are your favorite feathered friend.


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